Not just text 'e-book' collections! Collectaprint offers Real Book Scans
complete with original illustrations!

 Tweny-Six Rare, Complete Vintage Books Scanned!


Hints, Tips & How-To's, plus valuable inside info. In fact everything you need to know or have ever wished to learn is fully revealed by the experts.

All combined on one bargain Download in Adobe Reader format suitable for all systems.

 Hundreds of fascinating insights on many different home-craft topics, with hosts of hard earned hints and tips - now combined together in a unique and convenient rare book collection download!

  Many hours of fascinating reading from books published on both sides of the Atlantic but useful to both hemispheres and now offered at an affordable price! This wonderful set of highly interesting books includes the following titles…

1.     “American Samplers” c1921, illustrated 690 pages.

  2.  “Art in Needlework” c1900, illustrated, 303 pages.

  3.   “Decorative Needlework” c1893, illustrated, 137 pages.

  4.  “Decorative Textiles” c1918, richly illustrated, 490 pages.

  5.  “Dressmaking And Millinery” c1916, illustrated 136 pages.

  6.  “Embroidery The Craft Of The Needle” c1907, illustrated, 331 pages.

  7.  “Embroidery Stitches” c1912, illustrated, 214 pages.

  8.  “Home Dressmaking” illustrated, 97 pages.

  9.  “How To Make Rugs” c1908, illustrated, 155 pages.

  10. “Knitting And Sewing” c1918, illustrated, 213 pages.

  11. “How To Make Curtains And Draperies” c1950, illustrated,
          104 pages.

  12. “Making Curtains And Hangings” c1915, illustrated, 83

  13. “Needlework As Art” c1886, illustrated, 620 pages.

  14. “Old Lace” c1909, illustrated, 329 pages.

  15. “Point And Pillow Lace” c1905, illustrated, 234 pages.

  16. “Quilts Their Story And How To Make Them” c1915,
          297 pages.

  17. “Samplers And Tapestry Embroideries” c1913, illustrated,
          291 pages.

  18. “Shelter And Clothing, A Textbook of the Household
c1913, illustrated, 402 pages. 

  19. Textbook on Domestic Art” c1911, illustrated, 259 pages.

  20. “The Art of Modern Lace Making”, c1891, illustrated, 133 pages.

  21. “The Development of Embroidery in America” c1921, illustrated, 238 pages.

  22. “The Lace Book” c1904, illustrated, 342 pages.

  23. “Traditional Quilting” c1954, illustrated, 169 pages.

  24. “Knitting And Crochetting” c1800s, illustrated, 20 pages.

  25. “The Ladies Self Instructor” c1852, illustrated, 242 pages.

  26. “The Ladies Work Table Book” c1844, illustrated, 176

 Note to buyers. Although the underlying book material is now in the public domain due to their age,  much additional editing, cropping and deleting of erroneous or damaged material has also been carried out personally, making this book set a unique and a much improved offering. It is provided here at a particularly low cost, mainly to cover materials plus various associated overheads & fees. It consists of both private and publicly available material including ex libris volumes.

 It is now presented in a convenient Adobe Reader form (.pdf files) suitable for all computer systems. This allows for all the really essential illustrations and photos to be shown as opposed to the text only versions often available. The Adobe reader itself is completely free to download from the Adobe web site, although it usually comes pre-installed as a standard utility on most computers.

Overall, a great collection at a low price that isn't going to break anyone, so why not go right ahead and simply Treat Yourself!

 DOWNLOADS  are in the usual 'zipped' (compressed) form requiring unzipping upon receipt - a utility for this is usually already installed on most computers and simply requires double clicking on the file to select the unzip command, otherwise it's readily obtainable free on the internet. You will be quickly sent a secure Link for downloading the collection within just hours of your purchase, depending on your time zone. Try it - it's quick, reliable and convenient!

Price Only £4.50 Download (See Above)

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