Amateur Fruit
‘A practical guide to the growing of fruit for home
use and the
market.’ Illustrated, 171 pages, c1894.
2. Apples
& Pears.
Illustrated, 140-pages.
3. Book
of Fruits.
‘Being a descriptive catalogue of the most valuable
varieties of the pear, apple,
peach, plum and cherry…also gooseberry,
currant, raspberry, strawberry
and grape with modes of culture.’
145-pages, c1838.
4. Bush
‘A horticultural monograph of raspberries,
blackberries, dewberries,
currants, gooseberries and other shrub-like
fruits.’ Illustrated,
553-pages, c1909.
5. Citrus
Culture For Profit.
Illustrated, 95-pages, c1913.
6. Cultivation
of the Strawberry.
‘With a description of the best varieties, also
notices of
the raspberry, blackberry,
cranberry, currant, gooseberry and grape with
directions for their
cultivation and the selection
of the best varieties.’ Illustrated, 176-pages,
7. Forcing
Fruit and Kitchen Gardener.
‘Comprehending the forcing of asparagus,
grapes, peaches, cucumbers, melons,
pineapples, cherries, mushrooms,
figs, nectarines, and strawberries
together with the management of the
greenhouse, culture of wall and
orchard fruits, kitchen vegetables, salads
and herbs.’ 464-pages, c1802.
8. Fruit
Culture Under Glass.
Illustrated, 354-pages, c1881.
9. Fruit
Growers Guidebook.
Illustrated, 286-pages, c1911.
10. Fruit
Illustrated, 405-pages, c1922.
11. Fruit
Trees and Their Enemies.
‘With a spraying calendar.’ 126-pages, c1908.
12. Handbook
For Fruit Growers.
‘Containing a short history of fruits and their
instructions as to soils
and locations, how to grow from seeds, how to bud
and graft, the making
of cuttings, pruning,
best age for transplanting etc. With a condensed
list of varieties suited to
climate.’ Illustrated,
13. Hardy
Fruit Culture.
Illustrated, 89-pages.
14. Hints
On Fruit Growing.
152-pages, c1915.
15. Manual
of Fruit Diseases.
Illustrated, 486-pages, c1916.
16. Manual
of Fruit Insects.
Illustrated, 526-pages, c1922.
17. Popular
Fruit Growing.
Illustrated, 337 pages, c1912.
18. Practical
Fruit Culture.
Illustrated, 211-pages.
19. The
Principals of Fruit Growing.
Illustrated, 544-pages, c1898.

20. Small
‘Their propagation and cultivation, including the
grape. Containing practical
directions for the selection of soil and its
preparation, the use of manures
and fertlizers, crossing, hybridizing
and growing new varieties from
seed, transplanting, pruning and
training, gathering, packing
and marketing fruit, description of
varieties, their origin,
diseases and insect enemies.’ Illustrated, 141
pages, c1886.
21. Successful
Fruit Culture.
‘A practical guide to the cultivation
and propagation of fruits.’
Illustrated, 292-pages, c1905.
22. Success
With Small Fruits.
391-pages, c1886.
23. The
Book Of The Apple.
Cultivation ‘together with chapters on the history
and cookery
of the apple and the
preparation of cider.’ Illustrated, 128-pages,
24. The
British Fruit Gardener.
‘Comprising the most approved methods of planting
raising every useful
fruit tree and fruit bearing shrub.’ 362-pages,
The Orchard & Fruit Garden.
Illustrated, 393-pages, c1905.
Practical Fruit Grower.
Illustrated, 133-pages, c1904.
The Small Fruit Culturist.
Illustrated, 309-pages, c1914.
Productive Small Fruit Culture.
‘A discussion of the growing, harvesting and
of strawberries, raspberries,
blackberries, currants, gooseberries and grapes.’
388pages, c1920.