1. Atomic
Bombing How To Protect Yourself.
c1950, 199 pages, illustrated.
2. Behaviour of
Radioactive Fallout In Soils and Plants.
c1963, 44 pages.
3. Clay Masonry
Family Fallout Shelters.
c1960, 15 pages,
4. Deep Gallery
Shelters. c1917, 17
pages, plans.
5. Design Of
Buildings Exposed to Atomic Blast.
c1952, 45 pages, illustrated.
6. Fallout
Protection. c1961,
What to know and do about nuclear attack. 47
pages, illustrated.
7. Fallout
Protection for Homes with Basements.
c1966, 27 pages, illustrated.
8. Fallout
Protection for Hospitals.
c1968, 31 pages illustrated.
9. Fallout Shelter
Design Awards.
c1963, 149 pages, illustrated.
10. Industrial
Architecture Fallout Shelters.
1963, 59 pages, illustrated.
11. New Buildings
with Fallout Protection.
c1965, 106 pages, illustrated.
12. Nuclear
Survival Manual.
c1963, 198 pages, illustrated.
13. Radiological
Monitoring Handbook.
c1963, 53 pages.
14. Shelter From
Atomic Attack in Existing Buildings.
c1952, 59 pages.
15. Home Fallout
Shelter Snack Bar Conversion.
c1908, plans pamphlet.
16. Survive
Nuclear Attack.
c1959, 25 pages, illustrated.
17. The Family
Fallout Shelter.
c1959, 31 pages, info for building one, illustrated.
18. The
Utilization of Fallout Shelters.
c1960, 246 pages.
19. Three Plans
for Survival in a Nuclear Attack.
c1963, 75 pages, illustrated.
20. Total Atomic
Defense. c1952, 231
Part 2
of this collection comprises the following historical
Duck & Cover c1951
The Famous Civil Defense film in
which Bert the
Turtle shows what to do in case of atomic attack.
Part 3
comprises the following historical digital images for use
standard format printers and frame-able in 10x8inch
uniquely restored and enhanced by us for
(examples below are much reduced for internet
All the images are in .Tiff format,
file sizes between 2 and 17mb each. |